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Write a more informative introduction to a blog post titled "How To Be More Organized" Everybody has a place for everything, but this isn't always the case. You may have tried being organized before, but you just couldn't keep it up. There are several ways that you can stay on top of your life and become more efficient with the use of time and space in order to be more organized. These tips will help with organization when it comes to space, with time management skills when it comes to scheduling and work experience when it comes to networking. Tip 1: Space When you are scheduling your time, it is important to control the space that you use. If you have a small room and need to organize multiple things, keeping them in one area will be beneficial for your comfort and productivity. Try not to use all of your space at once; allocate areas for specific activities or different projects. For example, you could designate one area for work and another area as a place to eat and socialize with others. This will help control the mess and clutter. Also, try to separate your living and working space. If you work at home, doing this will help you to not get distracted and will help to keep you focused. Tip 2: Time Staying organized and keeping yourself on schedule requires forethought and preparation. With your goals in mind, prioritize what needs done first so that other things can be accomplished later on. The more time you allow yourself for each task the less stressed and overwhelmed you will feel when you get everything done. Having a schedule helps control your chaos by keeping track of what is due when. Write it down in order to keep track of everything that has to be done in order to stay on top of everything important that must get accomplished. Tip 3: Experience Organization is more than just an everyday practice. It is something that must be done in order to continue on with your life in the best way possible. As with any skill, it will require that you put forth effort and dedication. You can develop organization skills when taking into account the things that you need to do in the future and making board notes about them so that you can stay on top of things in order to get the most out of your life. Article Source: Below are listed some tips for good memory improvement. These tips are useful for anyone who wants to improve their memory. 1. Eat right, drink water, exercise regularly. If you are overweight, you might experience difficulty remembering things. Exercising regularly will help to improve your brain's reaction time which will make it easier for you to remember things sooner. Also having enough sleep at night can help keep your brain sharp and alert because your brain works better when it is rested. Putting good nutrition into your body will also help with memory improvement because there is more blood flow which gives your brain more nutrients than usual and that helps improve memory personally.[http://www.wisegeek. cfa1e77820